This calculator will give you an estimated hourly cost rate for your equipment to use in estimating project cost. The cost rate it gives you will enable you to use a rate that will cover the cost of the equipment in order to replace it in however many years you plan on replacing it as well as a good cost rate for estimating that will cover the cost of your equipment.
- Enter the value or purchase price of equipment
- If your purchasing, enter the tax rate and interest rate of loan
- If your financing, enter the number of payments
- Enter the scrap value or if you plan on keeping "x" number of years, the estimated value of what you can sell it or trade it for.
- Enter the yearly cost to ensure your piece of equipment
- Enter the salary of your operator if you want. If you want a closer hourly operating cost, make sure you add the burden to your labor rate(work comp,ins,fica, etc, usually around 30-35%) if your not interested leave operator salary at 0
- Enter the fuel price if you want, if not leave at 0
- Enter the fuel consumption rate per hour of your piece of equipment if you want, if not leave at 0
- If you want, enter estimated yearly maintenance and repair costs, if not leave it at 0
- Enter how many years you plan to keep the equipment
- Enter how many hours per year your equipment will be actually running and used.